Pharmacy Policy: Pharmacy Safety and Loss Prevention

Pharmacy goals and objectives policy

What is pharmacy safety and loss prevention?

Pharmacy safety and loss prevention is crucial part of the daily workflow of the pharmacy, it’s being incorporated with the safety and loss prevention department.

As usual with most of the policies sample posted here, there is some default data that should be listed in the policy header and footer. Below are some of the info that you need to include in your Pharmacy safety and loss prevention policy header:

  • Hospital name, obviously.
  • Pharmacy department operational policy and procedure, this header just to notify the reader that the following policy belongs to which department.
  • Policy code or Number, for filing/indexing purposes.
  • Edition Number, same purpose as above.
  • Title of the policy, in our case; it would be pharmacy safety and loss prevention.
  • Important dates [date reviewed, approved date, effective date and due for review date].
  • Applies to [department] in this case it should be pharmacy department
  • And last but not least, you’ll mention the nature of the policy, whether it’s going to be multidisciplinary or department specific. (Multidisciplinary policy)
Pharmacy safety and loss prevention Policy
Pharmacy safety and loss prevention Policy

Pharmacy Safety and Loss Prevention Policy


This policy describes the responsibility of pharmacy regarding all of safety issue under supervision of safety and loss prevention department.


  1. Departmental representative of safety and loss prevention is assigned by Pharmacy supervisor to follow all safety issues related to pharmacy.
  2. All Pharmacy staff should be aware and well trained in case of firebreaks out in the department.
  3. A unit specific quarterly fire drill provided by safety department should be available.
  4. Department participate pharmacy based on the annual disaster drill Schedule provided by safety and loss prevention department.
  5. All Pharmacy staff should undergo the annual training on correct usage and operation of Portable Fire Extinguisher as per schedule.
  6. A Pharmacy Written Hazardous Chemical Communication Program is Established to make sure that all staff knows about information concerning the dangers of all hazardous chemicals used in the pharmacy.


  1. Pharmacy supervisor should assign departmental representative of safety
  2. All pharmacy staff should be aware and trained in case of fire.
  3. Pharmacy should follow the hospital fire plan 81 evacuation policy and procedure manual.
  4. All pharmacy staff must receive Hazard Communication training including but not limited to:
    1. How to use Spill kit in case of chemicals spill?
    1. How to use MSDS Efficiently.
    1. How to label chemicals used inside and outside the pharmacy properly including use of NFPA Labeling.

Procedures and responsibilities

Pharmacy supervisor

Pharmacy supervisor should assign departmental representative of safety.

Pharmacy safety officer

Pharmacy safety officer is responsible to follow all safety issues related to regular checking of Eye wash, updating of MSDS, etc.

Safety & loss prevention department

An annual refreshment of EOC should be provided by safety and loss prevention department

Pharmacy supervisor / Pharmacy staff / Pharmacy safety officer

A pharmacy written hazardous chemical communication program is established to make sure that all staff knows about information concerning the dangers of all hazardous chemicals used in the pharmacy.


  1. Fire drill form.
  2. Unit specific fire plan.
  3. Annual loss and prevention schedule of fire drill.
  4. Written hazardous chemical communication program for pharmacy.

You’re almost done and pharmacy safety and loss prevention policy is almost ready, what’s remaining is just few basic policy layout filling.

  • References.
  • Revisions: Revised as per timescale.
  • Distribution: Here you should mentioned where this policy will be sent, and which departments will get a notification for it:
    • Hospital director & medical director.
    • Hospital administrator
    • Safety & Loss Prevention Department
    • Pharmacy department.
    • Signed originals is maintained in manual & indexing office.

The policy is now finished, and it’s time to get proper signatures, whether your hospital is implementing an electronic signatures, or manual sign and stamp.

Need a specific policy! Get in touch with us to help you.

If you need a specific hospital policy and it’s not on iobad, you can use the form below and we can help you with that.

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