Pharmacy Policy: Refill System

What is refill system ?

Refill system is part of the pharmacy policy and procedures.

As usual with most of the policies sample posted here, there is some default data that should be listed in the policy header and footer. Below are some of the info that you need to include in your refill system header:

  • Hospital name, obviously.
  • Pharmacy department operational policy and procedure, this header just to notify the reader that the following policy belongs to which department.
  • Policy code or Number, for filing/indexing purposes.
  • Edition Number, same purpose as above.
  • The title of the policy, in our case; would be Refill System.
  • Important dates [date reviewed, approved date, effective date, and due for review date].
  • Applies to [department] in this case it should be pharmacy department
  • And last but not least, you’ll mention the nature of the policy, whether it’s going to be multidisciplinary or department-specific. (Multidisciplinary)

Pharmacy Policy: Refill System
Pharmacy Policy: Refill System

Refill System Policy


Patient with a stable chronic disease that requires continuous drug supply.


To set up a refill procedure for obtaining medications from the outpatient pharmacy without visiting the physician.


  1. Patient with stable chronic disease can get one-month supply and a maximum refill of another two months’ supply.
  2. Medications will be dispensed from outpatient pharmacy without visiting the Physician during the refill period.
  3. Prescription validity is one year from the date of issuing.
  4. When the refill period expired the patient shall visit the refill clinic or his/her physician for a new refill prescription.
  5. A maximum of 2 months’ vacation drug supply and once yearly will be dispensed to the patients.

Procedures and responsibilities

  1. Patient can get one-month medicine supply and a maximum refill of two months as required.
  2. Pharmacist should write in the refill form and notify patients about the next refill date.
  3. Pharmacist will dispense the refill form 3 days before or 3 days after the specified date if needed.
  4. Patient can ask for refill medication by attending to pharmacy or send an E-message (Whats App).
  5. The refill-authorized form shall bear the following information:
  • Patient name.
  • Patient number (MR).
  • Prescription Number.
  • Refill dispensing Time (from 8:00-11:00 AM, 16:00-17:00 PM).
  • Encounter number.
  • Dispensing date.
  • Date of next refill (in English & Arabic Date).
  • Name of medication.
  • Ordered quantity.
  • Dispensed quantity.
  • Balance quantity.
  • Dose.
  • Instruction of use.
  • Physician’s name.
  • Pharmacist initial for encoding and dispensing.
  • Patient signature upon receiving the medication.
  1. On the last refill time the pharmacist shall advise or notify the patient to visit the refill clinic after finishing the last refill quantity of the medication dispensed.

You’re almost done and the pharmacy refill system policy is almost ready, what’s remaining is just a few basic policy layout filling.

  • References.
  • Revisions: Revised as per timescale.
  • Distribution: Here you should mention where this policy will be sent, and which departments will get a notification for it:
    • Medical/Hospital Director.
    • Pharmay Department.
    • Signed Originals are maintained in Manual & Indexing Office.

The policy is now finished, and it’s time to get proper signatures, whether your hospital is implementing electronic signatures, or manual signs and stamps.

Need a specific policy! Get in touch with us to help you.

If you need a specific hospital policy and it’s not on iobad, you can use the form below and we can help you with that.

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