What are short-date, slow, and non-moving pharmaceuticals?
Short-date, slow, and non-moving pharmaceuticals are part of the pharmacy policy and procedures.
As usual with most of the policies sample posted here, there is some default data that should be listed in the policy header and footer. Below are some of the info that you need to include in your Short-date, slow, and non-moving pharmaceuticals policy header:
- Hospital name, obviously.
- Pharmacy department operational policy and procedure, this header just to notify the reader that the following policy belongs to which department.
- Policy code or Number, for filing/indexing purposes.
- Edition Number, same purpose as above.
- The title of the policy, in our case; would be Short-date, slow, and non-moving pharmaceuticals.
- Important dates [date reviewed, approved date, effective date, and due for review date].
- Applies to [department] in this case it should be pharmacy department
- And last but not least, you’ll mention the nature of the policy, whether it’s going to be multidisciplinary or department-specific. (Departmental specific)
Short Date, Slow and Non-Moving Pharmaceuticals Policy
- Short-dated pharmaceuticals are drugs with a remaining shelf life equal to 6 months or less near expiry dates.
- Slow and non-moving pharmaceuticals are drugs with stocks more than the maximum level and the average usage.
To indicate a method for minimizing the wastage of pharmaceuticals.
- All short-dated, slow, and non-moving items available in all pharmacy sections and patient care units should be maintained by the pharmacy supervisor.
- All pharmacy sections are requested to utilize all short-dated, slow, and non-moving drugs by encouraging the physicians to prescribe those drugs whenever possible.
- First-in first-out (FIFO) system should be applied to all pharmaceuticals in all pharmacy sections and patient care units.
Procedures and responsibilities
Pharmacy Supervisor
Short-dated (6-months ahead), slow-moving item, and non-moving item reports should be generated and checked by the pharmacy supervisor on monthly basis and copies of the reports should be sent to the pharmacy administration office.
Pharmacy Supervisor/Pharmacy staff
Encouraging the physicians to prescribe short-dated, slow, and non-moving items should be done by all pharmacy supervisors whenever possible.
Pharmacy Supervisor/Pharmacy store Manager
Failing to eradicate the drug by the way as mentioned in the policy the sealed drug packing has to retune to the pharmacy store, and loose drugs shall be disposed of as expired medicines. (Refer to 0PP/Phar- 17)
- Attachment A- Slow-moving item report (system sample).
- Attachment B- Non-moving item report (system sample).
- Attachment C- Expired drug item report (system sample).
- Attachment D- Near expiry notification report.
You’re almost done and pharmacy short-date, slow, and non-moving pharmaceuticals policy is almost ready, what’s remaining is just few basic policy layout filling.
- References.
- Revisions: Revised as per timescale.
- Distribution: Here you should mention where this policy will be sent, and which departments will get a notification for it:
- CEO & Medical Director.
- Pharmacy Store Manager.
- Pharmacy Department.
- Signed originals are maintained in Manual & Indexing Office.
The policy is now finished, and it’s time to get proper signatures, whether your hospital is implementing an electronic signatures, or manual sign and stamp.